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Help_ Nippon get one step closer to its mission of taking art and culture to the heart of the community.


Bank Details

A/c Name : Nippon Gallery

Account Number : 410001010035600  
Union Bank of India  
IFSC Code: UBIN0541001

30/32, 2nd Floor, Deval Chambers, Nana bhai Lane, Flora Fountain, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001, India. 

We the people we make to change with your support

Crowd Funding for Website

Domain and web space with image stock for 12 months.
Upgrading of the website every 30 days.

Donate: Rs 20,000/- (for 12 months)
In return : A4 Size Drawing ( Rs. 40,000/-)

Funding for IT Design Team

Data Entry
Newsletter design
Email service, social media posters for Instagram and Facebook.
Every 30 days, Nippon does Solo show and group show of artists from all over India.

Donate: Rs 30,000/- (for 30 days)
In return:  A3 Size Drawing valve more than 70,000/-

Funding for Solo Show

Nippon Jury will be selecting Artists for every month for Solo show.

Artist will create 30 Artworks to display online
Nippon design team will be do social media marketing for sale with PDF catalogue with review by art curator and art critic with note.
Throughout the year we will be exploring works of 12 artists from India.

Donate : Rs 3,00,000/-
In return: 5 x 6 ft Life Size (2 paintings of 30 works published of value more than Rs .10,00000/-)

Funding for Annual Society Show

Nippon Jury will be selecting artists from India for every year annual show.
100 artists will be joining together for the show showcasing one artwork each
Artworks will be displayed online

Nippon Design team will be doing social media marketing for sale with PDF catalogue along with review from art curator and art critics
We will open to explore the contemporary art and invest in artists from India.

Donate: Rs 5, 00,000/- ( to create 100 artworks and organize the show)
In return: 5 x 6 ft life size ( selected out of 100 works, value more than Rs .10,00,000/-)

Thanks for Support


Nippon is India’s leading online contemporary art space.
This art movement is for artists and by artists, donate your support. For more information on becoming a Nippon contemporary Patron,
donation inquiries and other ways that you can support Nippon Gallery,
please e-mail /

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